Disc Golf


The disc golf course is open to all Inglewood Golf Club members.


For general enquiries send an email to discgolf@inglewoodgolf.co.nz

Please note that the course is not open for Disc Golf play on Tuesday before 11:30am or Saturday before 1pm. For other times when the course is not available, please refer to the golf programme section here.

If you would like to join Inglewood Golf Club as a Disc Golf player, please either contact our subscriptions officer Shaun Hitchcock on 021 144 1795or email subscriptions@inglewoodgolf.co.nz

Apply online ONLINE HERE..

Please note playing year is 1st Feb to 31st Jan of following year. 
The subscription rates below will be pro-rata'ed for members joining after 25th April to a minimum of $150 or the full year subscription, whichever is the lesser.

Membership Category Disc Golf Only Membership
Under 19 50
19 140
20 150
21 160
22 170
23 180
24 190
25 200
26 210
27 220
28 230
29 240
30 250
31 260
32 270
33 275
34 275
35 275
Over 35 275
First Year* 250
Summer** 125

 * First year price is applicable when this is member's first year at Inglewood and applicable age sub is greater than first year price. e.g. a 33 year old disc player's 1st year sub would be $250 rather than $275. A 25 year old disc player's 1st year would be $200.

** Summer sub is for period 1st Oct to 31st Jan the year following and deductible from following years full subscription.